The need for justice and acquisition of rights can strike anyone of us, but not all of us have an access to the courts and lawyers. Acquiring justice is an uphill battle and demands intense efforts, especially as an overseas Pakistani. To make your courthouse journeys as an overseas Pakistani easier and simpler, we have established an online platform through which you can book your lawyers and proceed with your cases. Our website offers a deep insight into the legal system of the country you are settled in and helps understanding the rules and regulations. The moto of this virtual platform is to provide you with the best judicial services online in the comfort of your home. Picked out of the bunch, our lawyers are competent and proficient to proceed with your cases in spans as short as possible.


Our finest services are valid for multiple practice areas and we are honored to be of service in domains listed below:

  •  Family law: certain domestic issues which are beyond mutual settlement require surveillance from law authorities and courts. We deal with such household matters within the following domains:
  1. Court marriage
  2. Divorce law
  3. Khula law
  4. Child custody
  5. Guardianship
  6. Marriage dissolution
  7. Separation law
  8. Mediation law
  9. Paternity law

Civil litigation: we deal with non-criminal cases in which the two parties seek compensation for a damage either in monetary terms or any other specific performance. If two parties file against each other, we contentedly deliver our services to resolve the dispute based on mutual consent with some amount of compensation from both parties.

Criminal defense: our experienced lawyers are capable enough to apply the laws and regulations to criminal prosecution. We guarantee credible punishments delivered to the criminals. Provision of safety and defense to the victim and guaranteeing their protection throughout the course of hearings also forms a part of our valuable services.

Civil and human rights: a full list of rights are affiliated with each and every human by birth and we all deserve them at any cost. By visiting our online platform, everyone can demand their violated human rights back without any discrimination. Any discrimination be it gender, racial or financial will be dealt officially by our lawyers and justice will be provided to the victims.

Commercial transactions: any mass transaction between various business entities or with the government can be carried out under our judicial assistance and supervision. We warrant a safe and secure transaction to help your business deals achieve a smooth running.

Immigration and naturalization: the biggest concern as an overseas Pakistani or for someone who is considering migration, is the process of immigration and naturalization. You can feel free to visit our platform to aid with and hasten your immigration process. If you have migrated internationally already, you can utilize our valuable services to attain a British Nationality in the most convenient and hassle free procedure.

Employment and business litigation: we deal with all kinds of issues and complaints regarding employer-employee relationships. If you feel the need to communicate any complaints regarding a business or a corporate entity, our lawyers will be pleased to proceed with your cases.