Many Pakistanis live abroad and have gotten married too. Sometimes their marriages do not work and they have to part ways through the process of overseas Pakistani divorce. Now the question is if they can get their divorce even without coming to Pakistan. The answer is yes they can easily get a divorce even if they live abroad and do not want to come back for some reason.

The divorce process for someone who does not live in Pakistan is slightly different than that of a couple who lives in Pakistan. To understand the steps involved in filing for divorce without coming to Pakistan read till the very last.

Process of filing for Divorce while living abroad

Hire a Family Lawyer:

The process of filing for a overseas Pakistani divorce cannot be completed without the assistance of a best divorce lawyer. A divorce lawyer is someone who is skilled enough to deal with complex divorce cases including international ones. So your first step for getting a divorce while residing abroad is to get yourself a lawyer.

Transfer Power of Attorney

If you want your lawyer to carry on your case on your behalf in Pakistan then you have to give power of attorney to your lawyer. For this sign the power of attorney papers.

Draft a Divorce Application

If you have to file for a divorce you have to submit a divorce application form in Pakistani courts. Your lawyer will aid you in getting your hands on a divorce application form. Mention everything related to the divorce in the application including property distribution and reasons for divorce.

Attest the documents from the Pakistani embassy

If you have to get a divorce while staying overseas you must involve your local Pakistani consulate. You will have to send the power of attorney papers and divorce application form to the consulate. The authorities at the embassy will attest your documents after investigation.

Send the document to Pakistan

Once both the documents are attested your lawyer can now be your voice in Pakistani court and you do not have to visit the court. The lawyer will take the divorce application form along with other important documents like your passport, and personal information to the court and apply for your divorce. After the application, the court will order for your case’s proceedings to start and will eventually give a decision after reviewing all the aspects.