FIR stands for first information report and is filed when a misfortune event like robbery, fight, or murder happens. This FIR has to be filed at the police station, and every citizen has the right to report any kind of felony that has happened to him, and the police have to take immediate action. Many people do not even know how they can file an FIR at the police station, and our article today covers all the steps that one can take towards filing the FIR at the police station.

How can a common citizen file an FIR at the local police station?

Visit your nearest police station:

The first thing that you have to do for an FIR is to visit your nearest police station, as that police station covers your area and is responsible for the crimes happening in the area. If you do not have any idea about the police station that covers your area, you can ask the residents of the area and visit any police station that is near your house.

Talk to the duty officer or inspector:

After finding the relevant police station, you have to talk to the inspector about the crime or the FIR that you want to file. Tell the officer everything, including the incident, date, time and place where the crime happened. Do not even leave the minor details. Moreover, it is important that you mention the names of all the individuals who were involved in the crime, the victims and even the ones who saw it happening.

Provide written details of the incident:

Provide all the details mentioned above in a written form to the inspector. The written complaint should have all the major and minor details. Its better if you provide your personla information as well. Once you have finished writing the report read it two times and ensure that there has been no mistakes made by your end in the details of the incident.

Sign the FIR and get a recipt:

Once the police finalzie the FIR they will ask you to sign it. Before siging it make sure to read the details and if you find any misinformation mention it to the police before signing. Once yo are satisfied sign the FIR and get your receipt for the police.